Construction & Property Development

EnviroCentre has experience of providing a wide range of environmental consultancy services to the construction and property development sector.


EnviroCentre has experience of providing a wide range of environmental consultancy services to the construction and property development sector; supporting the development process from the pre-planning stages all the way through to post-construction monitoring.
Our services include Environmental Impact Assessment, Ecology & Trees, The Development Process: Water & The Development Process: Geo-Environmental

Environmental Impact Assessment

Our inhouse specialists can produce the relevant technical reports required to support a planning application and assess potentially significant environmental effects including:
  • Noise
  • Air Quality
  • Flood Risk
  • Ecology & Trees
  • Geo-Environmental
Where projects meet the thresholds requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment, EnviroCentre can manage and produce the relevant technical reports to produce the EIA Report. We consider that as an environmental consultancy we are best placed to manage the process from screening request, scoping and final report production. This ensures the client receives an appropriately scoped assessment with full consideration of programme requirements with respect to individual technical requirements.
Environmental Impact Assessment

Ecology & Trees

International and domestic legislation, along with national and local policy, ensure that ecological considerations are given throughout the planning process.
In the pre-planning stages, our ecology team can assess the feasibility of your site; creating an Ecological Constraints and Opportunities Plan (ECOP). Targeted surveys, including protected species, can also be carried out by our team to support your planning application.
Additional ecology services from EnviroCentre to support the development process include, but are not limited to, protected species licence support, pre-construction checks, post-construction monitoring and Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW).
Ecology & Trees

The Development Process: Water

Involving EnviroCentre's water team in the early stages of your project will help to streamline the planning process and enhance the overall quality of your development; protecting the water environment through sustainable design.
Our water services are designed to support each stage of your project; from flood risk assessment in the pre-planning/planning stages, through to Controlled Activities Regulations (CAR) licensing, construction sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), pollution prevention planning, water quality monitoring and beyond.
EnviroCentre's service offering also extends to Environmental Clerk of Works (EnvCoW) to ensure compliance with regulations.
The Development Process: Water

The Development Process:

EnviroCentre has undertaken a variety of geo-environmental projects for clients in the construction and property development sector. A site investigation and risk assessment are conducted to inform remedial requirements for a site, ahead of redevelopment.
Remedial works from past projects have included the treatment, capping or isolation and storage of contaminated soils, in addition to the treatment of contaminated groundwater; removing thousands of litres of free phase hydrocarbon sediments.
The Development Process: Geo-Environmental

Contact Us

Contact us today to discuss your project requirements and learn more about EnviroCentre's services for the construction and property development sector. Email us at [email protected]


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